My nan lived here for the past five years and the staff that work there
are sitting on their bums in the office and do not have an understanding
of care. They allowed my nan to sit in her flat 24 hours a day and
didn't offer her to take part in any activities. My nan passed away
three days ago and despite my mom grieving and having to find money to
pay for my nan's funeral etc they have told my mom the flat needs to be
emptied by Friday or my mom will have to start paying rent. The care my
nan had was inadequate and would leave her in soiled incontinence pads
and on many occasions left her with a full cup of tea from the morning.
Don’t misunderstand me there were some carers that actually did do the
job. Overall the place has no activities, overcharged the service
charge, abusing staff and inadequate management. Please look at other
places where you have a high standard of carers that actually believe in
their duty of care and quality of life of the vulnerable people that
live there.
Latest Reviews for Sycamore Court
16 August 2018
My nan lived here for the past five years and the staff that work there
are sitting on their bums in the office and do not have an understanding
of care. They allowed my nan to sit in her flat 24 hours a day and
didn't offer her to take part in any activities. My nan passed away
three days ago and despite my mom grieving and having to find money to
pay for my nan's funeral etc they have told my mom the flat needs to be
emptied by Friday or my mom will have to start paying rent. The care my
nan had was inadequate and would leave her in soiled incontinence pads
and on many occasions left her with a full cup of tea from the morning.
Don’t misunderstand me there were some carers that actually did do the
job. Overall the place has no activities, overcharged the service
charge, abusing staff and inadequate management. Please look at other
places where you have a high standard of carers that actually believe in
their duty of care and quality of life of the vulnerable people that
live there.