Hollybank Trust is letting its service users down. There are serious
safeguarding concerns, staff falling asleep on the job. The Adult
respite service has let the adults and their families down and now they
are closing the service and leaving vulnerable adults with no care. They
are now going to focus on children's respite. Please be very careful
when considering Hollybank Trust. What was once a good provider is no longer.
Latest Reviews for Holly Court
05 October 2022
Hollybank Trust is letting its service users down. There are serious
safeguarding concerns, staff falling asleep on the job. The Adult
respite service has let the adults and their families down and now they
are closing the service and leaving vulnerable adults with no care. They
are now going to focus on children's respite. Please be very careful
when considering Hollybank Trust. What was once a good provider is no longer.